

Two Transportation Town Halls are just around the corner: Mark Your Calendars!

This November, members have an opportunity to attend transportation town halls on both sides of the state. These town halls are an excellent and valuable opportunity for members to see and meet their legislators in a public forum and to ask them outright to support transportation and infrastructure funding. We

Road Funding Hits Research Phase

Funding for Michigan’s roads and bridges has hit a “research” phase after calls by Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer to gather further information. Polling and focus groups were both done through the research, and several different transportation funding scenarios were tested. The goal is to

Positive Momentum in Underground Construction Industry

There have been a couple of positive items moving for the underground construction industry. Just this week the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) by a large margin of 417-3. This will fund projects throughout the U.S. for dams, waterway improvements, flood mitigation and other

MDOT FY 2014 Highway Program Announced

At the September State Transportation Commission meeting MDOT leadership announced they would invest $1.28 billion in their FY 2014 Highway Program. This investment represents a modest 9% increase over MDOT’s $1.17 billion FY 2013 investment with the increase the result of Governor Snyder’s transfer of $115 million of general fund

MDOT to Host Construction Bid Prep and Wage and Labor Compliance Workshops

MDOT will host the following Disadvantage Business Enterprise Workshops on Thursday, October 17, 2013, at the Detroit Operations & Services Center, from 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Construction Bid Prep: Getting to Know MDOT Resources Wage and Labor Compliance Payroll Preparation If you have any questions, contact Doug Needham at douglasneedham@mi-ita.com or

MDOT Implements DBE “Data Collection Process”

Beginning with the October 4, 2013, bid letting, all projects with aDBE participation goal of 6% or greater will include new contract provisions for MDOT’s “Data Collection Process”. Modeled off previous “DBE information at time of bid” pilot programs implemented in 2011 and 2012, the primary purposes of this process are

MITA to Host Trucking Outreach Workshop

The trucking outreach workshop that was planned to be held on November 4, 2013, has been RESCHEDULED and will now take place on Wednesday, November 13, 2013, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the MITA Building. This workshop is tailored to DBE trucking firms and the prime contractors who hire them,

Join Us for the Road Rally for Infrastructure: Register Today!

As we enter the fall season, efforts to increase the financial stability of the MITA PAC are in full swing. This October, MITA will be hosting a Road Rally for Infrastructure. The event promises to be a good time for everyone who chooses to participate, and the goal is to

Join Us for the Road Rally for Infrastructure: Register Today!

As we enter the fall season, efforts to increase the financial stability of the MITA PAC are in full swing. This October, MITA will be hosting a Road Rally for Infrastructure. The event promises to be a good time for everyone who chooses to participate, and the goal is to

September 1, 2013 Underground Wage Rates

MEMORANDUM TO: MITA UNION CONTRACTORS FROM: Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President/Secretary DATE: August 28, 2013 RE: September 1, 2013 Underground Wage Rates In accordance with the current Collective Bargaining Agreements between the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association and the unions listed below, please be advised that effective the first full

2014 MDOT Letting Schedule and Projections Announced

MITA has recently been informed that MDOT has updated the following documents as they relate to the 2014 Highway and Bridge program. 2014 letting and 1300EZ filing dates FY2014 Projected Lettings FY2014 Significant Projects List FY2014 HMA, Concrete, Bridge Projected Summary If you have any questions or comments, please contact

Legislative Call To Action: Please Contact Your Legislators NOW!

As lawmakers return to Lansing from their summer break, road funding will be one of the most talked about issues facing them. It is critically important that all members, employees, friends, family members and neighbors take the time to contact their legislators immediately about fixing and investing in Michigan’s roads