On September 10th several MITA member contractors met with MDOT leadership to discuss MDOT’s contracting plans for the future Southeast Michigan “Mega Projects.” The referred to “Mega Projects” are generally understood to include significant reconstruction and/or rehabilitation work in the I-94 and I-75 corridors. MITA’s goal in facilitating this, and future
As you may recall, in December 2011, MITA hosted a Utility As-Built Plan Workshop that focused on fostering communication between various utility companies, design firms, and construction contractors to discuss the type of information that is documented on utility as-built documents. As a result of this workshop, along with MITA’s
A recent article discussing increased transportation funding indicated that the debate may occur during the lame duck session at the end of the year. Lame duck session is the time period between the elections, which this year occurs on November 6, and the end of the year. In addition there
Legislation that changes the way commercial vehicles weighing between 10,001 and 26,000 pounds are considered in Michigan has been signed into law. House Bill 5228, now Public Act 231, eliminates the requirement of a vehicle doing business solely within Michigan that weighs less than 26,000 pounds from registering as a Commercial Motor
A recent article discussing increased transportation funding indicated that the debate may occur during the lame duck session at the end of the year. Lame duck session is the time period between the elections, which this year occurs on November 6, and the end of the year. In addition there
Requirements for contractors and subcontractors to e-verify their employees was added to the Michigan Department of Transportation budget, which begins October 1, 2012. Specifically, “the department shall require as a condition of each contract or subcontract for construction, maintenance, or engineering services that the prequalified contractor or prequalified subcontractor agree
TO: MITA Union Contractors FROM: Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President/Secretary DATE: August 30, 2012 Re: September 1, 2012 Underground Wage Rates In accordance with the current Collective Bargaining Agreements between the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association and the unions listed below, please be advised that effective the first full
As a MITA member, we have recently noticed you have not visited the new MITA DBE/MBE/WBE website located at www.mitadbe.com. This website provides solicitations for qualified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. Signing up is free of charge and once you do so, you are able to view all advertisements posted by prime contractors.
As a part of their ongoing efforts to improve contracting and project delivery efficiencies, MDOT will implement three e-business pilot initiatives in the September lettings. Item 002, September 7th Letting – Latson Road Interchange Two “electronic” initiatives will be piloted on this project: 1. Design Deliverable Enhancement Project (DDEP) will significantly change the format
MDOT recently revised their policy for lights on drums and will now allow lights be placed on plastic drums when the TSC Construction Engineer or Project Design Engineer determine that an area of the work zone warrants usage of the lights. When it is determined that lights are warranted, MDOT
On May 1, 2012, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) revised Form FHWA-1273. This form is a compilation of Federal provisions that are required to be inserted into federally funded contracts and subcontracts. Under 23 CFR 633.102(d), these required contract provisions apply to all work performed on the contract by the
After over 33 months of extension after extension the United States Congress has finally passed a transportation reauthorization bill that will set federal funding on infrastructure through September 30, 2014. Since most of the bill’s new provisions take effect October 1, 2012, the bill is essentially a final 3-month extension