

Why the New International Trade Crossing is Good for the Heavy Construction Industry

Governor Snyder’s Administration challenged the heavy construction industry at the MITA Annual Conference to join as partners in lobbying state legislators in support of a new international bridge to Canada.  MITA has taken that challenge seriously and is asking members to contact their legislators.  But, why is a New International

MDOT Releases 2012 Program Information

MDOT recently released the following lists related to the anticipated 2012 Highway Program. Click on the highlighted link to view the documents or you can find these files on the MDOT Bid Letting website.   2012 FY Projected Lettings  2012 HMA, Concrete & Bridge Summary 2012 FY Significant Projects The funding

Governor Snyder’s Call to Action for MITA Members

The MITA Executive Committee recently met with Governor Snyder to discuss his upcoming special message on infrastructure. In the past his messages have been bold and called for specific action by the legislature. MITA expects that this special message will continue in the same fashion. The Governor specifically called on

Congress, Legislature Kick Off Fall Session: Reauthorization, Jobs Plan and E-Verify Among Bills Under Consideration

Congress, Legislature Kick Off Fall Session: Reauthorization, Jobs Plan and E-Verify Among Bills Under Consideration Summer has ended and the Michigan Legislature and Congress is back in session.  There are a number of issues facing the state legislature this fall.   The governor is making final preparations for a proposal to

What the Industry Can Expect in the Months Ahead

On September 14, 2011, Governor Snyder issued the following email detailing what the citizens of Michigan can expect in the months ahead.  Since it hits on the very heart of the issues the industry is battling with daily, it is being passed along to the membership to review the governor’s

Governor Snyder’s Fall Agenda

Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer and with that comes the end of summer fun and the beginning of fall work. Agenda items slated to be addressed this fall by Governor Snyder are: state residents’ health; training for available jobs; and, fixing the crumbling roads and aging sewer

Concrete Quality Control – Contractor’s Responsibility

Assuring that materials provided for construction projects meet all applicable specifications should be common practice for all MITA members, however providing a documented Quality Control plan may not.  With the rollout of the 2012 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction, there are a few changes/clarifications to the roles and responsibilities of

Let’s Make Michigan Great Again!

This fall presents a huge opportunity for the heavy construction industry. In October, Governor Snyder is scheduled to deliver an infrastructure message that will include plans for increased infrastructure investment. MITA is launching a major public relations effort in support of the governor’s October infrastructure message: “Let’s Make Michigan Great

Get Motivated, Get Activated, Get Moving….

With the legislature set to resume session on September 7, it is again time ramp up our efforts to get motivated, activated and moving.  Continue calling, emailing and writing your elected officials.  The more contact the industry has with these policymakers the more likely it is to have a positive

State Ad Board “Approves” Industry Significant Resolutions

At their most recent meeting the State Administrative Board (Ad Board) approved two resolutions that significantly change (in very positive ways) the processes required of all state departments to get Ad Board approval for contracts and contract revisions on state construction and services contracts. Resolution 2011-1 raised the Ad Board

Utility Distribution – Laborers

Memorandum TO: MITA Union Contractors FROM: Michael A. Nystrom RE: September 1, 2011 Underground Wage Rate Updates Please be advised that in accordance with the current underground agreements between the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association and the unions listed below, the following wage rates will become effective the first full

What Should You Say When You Meet Your Elected Officials?

MITA has been encouraging its members to meet regularly with elected officials to talk to them about infrastructure funding.  This is a critical part of building legislative support for greater investment levels.  Contractors often ask, “what should I talk about when I actually sit down with my elected leaders?” The