

Road Builders Wage Rate Updates

Memorandum TO: MITA Union Contractors FROM:  Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President/Secretary RE: Road Builders Wage Rate Updates In accordance with the current Road Agreements between the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association and the Unions listed below, the following wage rates will become effective the first full pay period on

MDOT Revises Buy America Special Provision!!!!

MITA is pleased to let you know that the current Special Provision for Buy America that has caused many problems including loss of productivity, lack of payment, and work stoppage has been revised and replaced with the attached Special Provision for Source of Steel and Iron (Buy America) dated May

Truck Driver Update – Michigan Prevailing Wage Projects

Over the past several years, MITA has lobbied the State of Michigan Wage and Hour Division (W&HD) and more recently the new Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) for consistency in the rule interpretations between federal Davis-Bacon and state Prevailing Wage law as they relate to truck drivers. MITA

Key Happenings at the Capitol

WATER AND SEWER FUNDING BILLS TO BE INTRODUCED Legislation is scheduled to be introduced early next week to address some of the state’s water and sewer system needs.  Following recommendations from an advisory committee on which MITA staff served, a package of four bills has been drafted to provide grants

Operating Engineers Local 324 – Apprentice Application Information

MEMORANDUM TO: MITA Union Contractors FROM: Rob Coppersmith, Vice President of Membership Services RE: Operating Engineers Local 324 – Apprentice Application Information Applications for the Operating Engineers Local 324 apprenticeship program will be available for qualified applicants for the following classifications:  Heavy Equipment Operator or Heavy Equipment Technician.  The requirements

“New” Buy America Enforcement in Michigan

To: All MITA Members From: Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President Date: May 15, 2012 Subject: “New” Buy America Enforcement in Michigan Many of you are experiencing significant distress in trying to comply with the recently implemented Buy America (BA) requirements placed in federally funded projects let through MDOT. Although

Buy America – Update

As you should be fully aware MDOT implemented a new Special Provision for Buy America in all FHWA federally funded projects starting with those in the February 2012 bid lettings.  Although the “Buy America” regulations have not changed, the product coverage and level of certification the new Special Provision requires are drastic

Underground Teamsters Wage Rates and Contract Ratification

MEMORANDUM   TO; MITA Union Contractors FROM: Mike Nystrom, Executive Vice President RE: Underground Teamsters Wage Rates and Contract Ratification   _______________________________________________________________________   The 2012 – 2017 Underground Contract with the Teamsters has been ratified by the MITA Power-of-Attorney Contractor members as well as the Teamsters; the new wage rates are

MITA Launches New and Improved DBE Solicitation Website

MITA is pleased to announce the launch of an enhanced interactive DBE Solicitation website. The new website is designed to facilitate the effectiveness of prime contractor’s DBE solicitation advertisements. Prompted by recent changes to various Good Faith Effort requirements, the website provides a layout for DBE solicitations that are in

Lowboy Trailers, Barge Identifications, Funding and TRIP Reports

LOWBOY TRAILERS:  Legislature passes major success for heavy construction industry Legislation that would no longer require lowboy trailers to get over length permits has overwhelmingly passed the full House and Senate and now awaits Governor Rick Snyder’s signature.  Senate Bill 582, sponsored by Senator Tom Casperson, would extend the allowable

Teamsters Health & Welfare Fringe Adjustment

MEMORANDUM TO: MITA Union Contractors FROM: Michael A. Nystrom Re: Teamsters Health & Welfare Fringe Adjustment _______________________________________________________________________   Health and Welfare for Road Construction Please be advised that effective April 1, 2012, the Health and Welfare contribution rate will be $346.20. Contact Mike Nystrom at mikenystrom@mi-ita.com, or call him at

April 1, 2012 Wage Rate Update – Utility Distribution – Laborers

Memorandum TO:         Utility Distribution Contractors FROM:   Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President RE:         April 1, 2012 Wage Rate Update – Utility Distribution – Laborers Please be advised that in accordance with the current Agreement between the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association and the Michigan Laborers District Council the following wage