
MDOT recently announced the appointment of Kimberly Avery to the position of Deputy Region Engineer for the Metro Region. In Kim’s 23 years with the Michigan Department of Transportation she has developed a strong command of the federal, state, and local programs and relationships that impact the operation of the

This week, the House and Senate passed their own versions of “Right to Work” Legislation affecting both public and private employees. The bills passed both chambers with only Republican support. A few House and Senate GOP members did vote against the measures. The bills will be set for final passage

Finally, a little normalcy in our television viewing….no more confusing proposal or election advertisements. In the wake of this years election that saw high voter turnouts and the most money ever, below is an overview of a few items that occurred nationally and statewide. Most notably the defeat of Proposal

At a recent State Transportation Commission meeting MDOT leadership announced they would invest $1.17 billion in their FY 2013 Highway Program. This investment level represents a 13% reduction from the $1.35 billion MDOT invested in their FY 2012 Highway Program. In breaking down this $1.17 billion investment plan, MDOT is

With close to 20,000 in attendance, MITA played a key role exposing students to the various opportunities available in the construction industry at the 2012 Michigan YES (Youth Engineering & Science) Expo at Ford Field on November 1, 2012. As a co-chair of the Michigan Design & Construction Coalition, MITA

Four MITA members were recently inducted in to the Ferris State University Construction Hall of Fame. Lawrence D. Clark, founder of the Lansing-area Clark Companies, was honored for his significant contributions to the concrete foundation industry and leadership in Delta Township area development, where he pioneered poured-wall and tilt-up

As reported in the past, the Buy America reporting criteria that was enforced during the 2012 construction season was a temporary measure. From the day the Special Provision for Source of Steel and Iron (Buy America), dated May 31, 2012, was placed into effect; the FHWA Michigan Division office placed

Good news for infrastructure and the funding of projects in Michigan. On September 27, 2012, the DEQ announced nearly $93 million in loans and more than $8.55 million in principal loan forgiveness to fund wastewater or drinking water projects needed to improve water quality and public health around the state.

Dear Members: I am pleased to be serving as the new MITA Outreach Coordinator. I join MITA with an extensive background in state and local government experience and outreach success. I have significant legislative experience in both the Michigan Senate and House of Representatives. I also served locally on city

MDOT announces three Technology Forums scheduled to take place this fall. These forums will offer an opportunity for engineers, surveyors and technicians as well as consultant and contractor partners to discuss current technological advancements along with several topics including upcoming changes to the MDOT business processes. Click here for