

MI Short $7 Billon for Sewer Infrastructure

LANSING, Mich. – Michigan released 19.2 billion gallons of raw sewage into waterways in 2008 and now a new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) national survey on clean water needs indicates that Michigan must invest $7 billion in wastewater and stormwater treatment and collection systems to meet the goals of the federal

ACTION ALERT: Detroit River International Crossing and P3 Vote Coming Soon

A vote could come as early as next week in the state Senate on legislation that would authorize the use of toll roads and allow MDOT to solicit bids for a new international bridge to Canada. This legislation (HB 4961) could potentially bring in billions of dollars of private investment

Nighttime Movement of Milling Equipment

After several months of negotiations, MITA has been successful in gaining the approval of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for the nighttime movement of over length milling equipment.  On June 11, 2010, a one-year MDOT pilot program for nighttime movement of over length milling equipment begins. Click here for a

MEMO: Teamsters Underground Agreement

TO:                Companies that have given MITA Power-of-Attorney for Teamsters Underground Agreement FROM:           Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President SUBJECT:      Teamsters Central States Pension Fund Auditing Change May Affect Your Company ==================================================================================== As a company who employs Teamsters under the MITA/Teamsters Underground Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), I

MITA Receives Top Public Relations Awards

Pictured from left to right: Andrea Fischer, The Rossman Group; Nancy Brown, MITA; Keith Ledbetter, MITA; and Kelly Rossman McKinney, The Rossman Group.) MITA was honored today with two prestigious public relations awards by the Public Relations Society of America at a ceremony in Lansing. The awards were given for

Online Petition for Increased Road and Bridge Funding

Help demonstrate support for investing in our state’s infrastructure…. click here for a memo that you can distribute to your employees to help us obtain more signatures for an online petition.

Fraudulent USDOT Faxes/Email Resurface

As we have advised you in the past to beware, recently several MITA members have received what appears to be official letters (and emails) from the USDOT requesting specific bank account information. Although they are very official looking on USDOT Procurement Office letterhead, we have confirmed with the USDOT’s Office

MISS DIG Remote Ticket Entry

To ensure quick and efficient processing of your dig request, MISS DIG has requested that contractors utilize their Remote Ticket Entry system.  This system allows users to enter dig ticket requests online 24/7 (without waiting for assistance), print copies of tickets, and search for previously entered tickets. Click here to access

FHWA Increasing Oversight

MITA was recently informed that the FHWA will be performing project reviews during the 2010 construction season focusing on the following: •Ensuring MDOT has adequate project staffing •Appropriate work zone traffic control measures are being applied •Project meets all ADA requirements •Requirements of FHWA Form 1273 are being followed and

MITA Provides More Information on Tax Credits for Hiring Workers

Companies who hire unemployed workers this year (after February 3, 2010 and before January 1, 2011) may qualify for a 6.2 percent payroll tax incentive.  Employers can claim the tax credit on the federal employment tax return they file with the IRS. The new law requires that the employer get

ACTION ALERT: Help Increase Infrastructure Investment – Become a MITA Pavement Pounder

The heavy construction industry is at a pivotal moment.  Michigan is on the brink of losing $475 million in federal highway money because we aren’t investing the minimum state matching dollars.  State legislators have also cut Michigan’s water and sewer spending to almost zero, relying solely on money from the

DBE Solicitation Blue Sheet at Time of Bid Pilot Process

“Item Number 1004 032” in the April 2nd Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) letting will be included in a new DBE Solicitation Blue Sheet at Time of Bid Pilot Process. The primary intent of this second DBE solicitation pilot process is to access the pre-bid DBE solicitation efforts of the