
Fifteen hours before construction projects would be idled, policymakers came to an agreement on the state’s transportation budget in the face of tonight’s midnight end of the fiscal year. A MITA press release last week announced a possible government shutdown and estimated that it would cost state taxpayers $1 million.

Several MITA companies have already taken up the industry challenge of 1,000 calls to legislator offices and signed up for legislator call days for their employees. AIS Construction Equipment, Michigan CAT, JDE Equipment Company, Wolverine Tractor and Equipment and now AJAX Paving Industries have either already made employee calls or

TABLE AGREEMENT REACHED WITH LABORERS’ FOR UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION A Table Agreement has been reached with the Laborers’ District Council for Underground Construction. Please see as follows: Housekeeping throughout: MITA name change, removal of Metro Annuity Plan, and other grammar. Article III – Working Rules, Section 2, Page 5.

In accordance with the current Collective Bargaining Agreement between Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association Underground Agreement and The International Union of Operating Engineers’ Local 324, 324-A, and 324-B, AFL-CIO, please be advised that effective the first full payroll period on or after September 1, 2009, the wage allocation is as

This week, the U.S. Agriculture Secretary announced the selection of six rural water projects for Michigan being funded immediately through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The projects will help provide safe drinking water and improved wastewater treatment systems for rural towns and communities across the country. USDA Rural Development’s

Hope for the enactment of a long term transportation bill this year has all but vanished when Rep. James Oberstar (D-MN), chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, testifying at a hearing of a House Ways and Means Subcommittee on July 23, acknowledged that he does not favor raising

While state policymakers sit on their hands and take the summer off and do nothing to address the needs of Michigan, the state’s roads and bridges continue to crumble around them. MITA recently established a toll free number (1-888-719-3087) so that people who care about our infrastructure can be transferred

Four projects in the July 10th Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) letting will be included in a new DBE Solicitation Good Faith Effort Pilot Process jointly developed by MDOT and MITA, and recently approved for implementation by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The primary intent of this pilot process is

Mike Nystrom, MITA’s Vice President of Government and Public Relations, has been voted one of the top lobbyists in the state by the Michigan Information and Research Service. Nystrom earned the honors for his efforts lobbying state legislators regarding issues of importance to the construction industry. “It is an honor