MDOT recently posted a Contractor Announcement notifying bidders that form FHWA-1273, “Required Contract Provisions Federal-Aid Construction Contracts” has been updated effective October 23, 2023. Per the Federal Register notice, prime construction contracts awarded on or after October 23, 2023, along with their related subcontracts, must incorporate this new version. Please
The Michigan Department of Transportation would like to inform the industry of an upcoming federally funded 4R trunkline Fixed Price-Variable Scope (FPVS) Type 3 project: I-96 from Bliss Road to Sunfield Highway in Grand Region. The Type 3 method will receive bids through the traditional low bid process and will
MDOT’s Innovative Contracting Unit now has project email updates that you can subscribe to! To receive the project email updates, simply follow the instructions in this document. If you have any questions, please contact any member of the MITA engineering team: Rachelle VanDeventer | rachellevandeventer@thinkmita.org Glenn Bukoski | glennbukoski@thinkmita.org Jeremiah
If you are experiencing difficulty accessing the Laborers Employer Portal to submit fringes, we have some additional information for you. To speak to the Controllers via phone: call 877-MI-LABOR (877.645.2267), Dial Option 3, then Option 1 For those requiring assistance logging into the Employer Portal, Controllers (Susan, Tammy, & Dayon)
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is hosting an industry forum to discuss the upcoming one-step, best-value progressive design-build procurement for the Marshall Modernization project in Marshall and Emmett Townships, Calhoun County. This forum will provide an opportunity for potential bidders to learn about the project scope, procurement process, and
The 2023 DBE Fall Small Business Symposium is being held on October 15th & 16th, 2023. The symposium will be held in person at the Comfort Inn & Suites: 2424 S. Mission St., Mount Pleasant, Michigan. If you are interested in attending, please click on the following Eventbrite link to
A new agreement has been reached with the Laborers. Please review the contract and send the completed ballot back to Sara Schaibly, Manager of Accounting and Labor Information, at saraschaibly@thinkmita.org. MITA – Underground Contract 2023 Laborers Underground Ballot 2023 Laborers Underground Wage Rates
Chief Operations Officer Gregg Brunner has announced Jason Gutting as the new director of the Bureau of Field Services. Gutting has served as the engineer of Construction Field Services since February 2016 and brings more than 24 years of experience and leadership with the State of Michigan to his new
Last year, many companies sponsored or delivered a truckload/s of books to a local Michigan Classroom and we are reaching out to see if your company would like to be a sponsor again for 2023. Our goal is to give away 100 Truckloads this year and to continue to add
Thank you MITA PAC Donors MITA would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have donated to the PAC so far this year! We publish this information in the quarterly magazine Cross-Section, but this email helps spread the message even further. The plan going forward is
MDOT will be holding an AASHTOWare Project Construction and Materials (APCM) Forum to discuss APCM system status and future process enhancements, APCM pilot project experiences, any contractor concerns with full APCM implementation, and/or any ideas for improvements. MDOT currently plans to fully implement APCM (MDOT’s replacement for FieldManager) this fall/winter
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is hosting an industry forum to discuss the upcoming two-step, low bid design-build (DB) procurement of pump station permanent standby generator installation at up to 141 locations statewide. The project will be delivered utilizing three design-build contracts. MDOT anticipates issuance of a Request for