

Tax Liability on Construction Materials

This bulletin will serve as MITA’s annual reminder to our contractor members of the issue of tax liability on construction materials that are being incorporated in projects of tax-exempt owners. Contractors performing work for public agencies, churches and schools are often faced with this precarious issue. Many of these owners

MITA Continues Work on MBT Fix, False Claims Act; Courts Clarify Construction Lein Act

MITA Continues Work on MBT Fix While the state Senate is off on break for the next two weeks, MITA continues to push forward on the MBT Materials Deduction fix highlighted in recent bulletins. Before the Senate went on break last week, a motion was made to discharge the legislation

Legislation Affecting Heavy Construction Industry In High Gear

MITA Testifies Before House Committee Last week, Mike Nystrom and Keith Ledbetter testified before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation to provide feedback on the proposed 2009 Transportation budget. Billed as a “continuation budget”, Nystrom and Ledbetter sent a clear message of what the state was “continuing” by not addressing

MITA, Treasury at Odds over M.B.T. Deduction

The following article was written in Gongwer Michigan Report No. 41, dated February 29, 2008. The Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association, along with officials for general contractors, homebuilders and builders and contractors, are lobbying lawmakers over an effort to include certain materials in a deduction to the Michigan Business Tax

MITA Tries to Force State to Abide by MBT Agreement

Bureaucrats in the MI Department of Treasury have unilaterally decided that the Michigan Business Tax (MBT) materials deduction approved by the Legislature last year does not apply to most construction materials. This, despite claims by key legislators that the deduction was part of the final MBT compromise agreement with MITA

Legislative Update: Send a Letter to the Editor and See the New Transportation Task Force Members

Send a “Pothole” Letter to the Editor Have you hit any potholes yet this year? One of the single best ways that you can help push for state transportation funding to repair our roads is with a letter to the editor. Please click here to access sample letters to the editor regarding

Truck Driver Prevailing Wage Applicability

The US Department of Labor and the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth have informed MITA that the enforcement of prevailing wage compliance will remain a high priority in 2008. In an effort to alleviate some of the confusion surrounding when prevailing wages (Davis-Bacon or Michigan Prevailing Wage) apply

MDOT Implements “New Claims Procedure”

On January 30th, after almost two years of collaboration and work by the Department and MITA, MDOT leadership signed into policy their new procedure for review of contractor claims. This new procedure, formally issued as Bureau of Highway Instructional Memorandum 2008-02, Review of Contractor Claims, replaces an outdated and organizationally

Legislative Update: Gas Tax Flap, Washington Economic Stimulus and New National Infrastructure Coalition

House Speaker, Sen. Majority Leader Headline a Successful Mt. Pleasant Conference One of the many highlights of this year’s annual conference at Soaring Eagle Resort was a discussion between House Speaker Andy Dillon (D-Redford) and Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop (R-Rochester) moderated by the state’s senior capitol correspondent, Tim Skubick.

MITA Announces 2008 Legislative Goals

On the heels of a historic year with the abolition and replacement of the Single Business Tax, MITA announces their legislative goals for 2008. A primary focus for MITA will be the final push for the $1 billion per year transportation-funding proposal. With the 18-percent drop in the road and

MDOT Pilots “Small Project DBE Goal Setting” Process

MDOT has announced they will let three Metro Region projects in the February 1st letting as part of pilot process that establishes DBE participation goals that are higher than the participation goals typically seen on projects with their contract value. MDOT’s expressed intent with the pilot process is to identify

Governor Signs Bill Creating Task Force to Develop Recommendations on Transportation Needs, Funding

Governor Jennifer M. Granholm has signed into law legislation that establishes a task force and a citizens advisory committee to make recommendations on alternatives for funding transportation in Michigan. The task force is expected to complete a preliminary report by the end of October, which may include an implementation plan