
The Oakland Press, December 11, 2021 Michigan has been presented with an opportunity to address water infrastructure needs that have been unaffordable and thus unaccomplished for far too long. The Coalition for a Strong and Prosperous Michigan has convened with communities, business leaders, nonprofits, and stakeholder groups, to develop the

MDOT is inviting contractors to participate in MDOT hosted virtual training classes for: Bridge Deck Construction Inspection This class is intended to educate field staff on the proper inspection techniques and best practices associated with bridge deck construction. Topics include: Overview of Structures and Terminology, Inspection Forms, BOHIM’s and Construction

The State Transportation Commission’s (STC) approval of the MDOT 2022-2026 Five-Year Transportation Program at their November meeting served as MDOT’s formal announcement that they will invest $4.2 billion in their FY 2022 Transportation Program. The focus of the FY 2022 capital investments will be preservation of the transportation system, safe

LANSING, Mich. – Lance Binoniemi, vice president of government affairs at the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association (MITA), issued the following statement after the Michigan House Judiciary Committee hearing on HB 5272, legislation that would allow for the placement of automated speed cameras in construction zones to protect Michigan’s road workers: “We are supportive

Bruce Lowing, who spent his entire 40-year career at MITA Member Hardman Construction in Ludington, Mich., was inducted into the Michigan Construction Hall of Fame housed at Ferris State University in October. In addition to running a successful company before retiring in 2018, Bruce is also the past president of

Although MITA opposes the idea, MDOT will implement a new subcontract requirement for hiring Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) truckers on MDOT let projects. This new DBE trucker subcontract requirement will be effective with the December 3, 2021 bid letting and then all subsequent bid lettings. When issuing the subcontract directive,

Early this week, MITA’s Vice President of Government Affairs Lance Binoniemi broke down for WJR’s Talk Show Host Paul W. Smith what the federal infrastructure funding bill really means. While the bill, signed into law by President Biden on Monday, is the biggest federal infrastructure investment since the 1940s and

November 17, 2021 Early this week, MITA’s Vice President of Government Affairs Lance Binoniemi broke down for WJR’s Talk Show Host Paul W. Smith what the federal infrastructure funding bill really means. Lance was also quoted in an article that appear in The Detroit News on November 15. Other articles

November 15, 2021 LANSING, Mich. – Lance Binoniemi, vice president of government affairs at the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association, issued the following statement after President Joe Biden signed the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law today: “President Biden’s signature on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is

TO: Road Detroit Carpenters Signatory Contractors FROM: Robert Coppersmith, Acting Executive Vice President DATE: November 12, 2021 RE: New Fringe Payment Information Please update the financial institution information for MRCC Fringe Benefits for Detroit Carpenters. Name: Huntington Bank New routing & account number information: Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters Fringe

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Anthony “Tony” Sarotte, long time employee of MITA member, Florence Cement. Tony was born on December 23, 1937, in Hamtramck to Frank and Genevieve Sarotte. He graduated from South Lake High School in 1956, where he played football and baseball,