When charging your membership dues on your credit card, a 4% surcharge will now be added. Alternatively, we are happy to accept direct ACH payments at no cost. Additionally, if you call into the office to pay any invoice with a credit card, a 4% surcharge will be added. As
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) invites MITA members to attend a Microsoft Teams Meeting to discuss Project PDF plan set contract deliverables January 19, 2021, from 10:30 AM to noon. The purpose of this event is to present MDOT’s new Project PDF deliverable format, as well as allow time
The Small Business Administration (SBA) has announced that with the passing of the new stimulus package by Congress, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) will re-open starting Monday, January 11 for First Draw PPP loans and Wednesday, January 13 for Second Draw PPP Loans. The original PPP closed at the end
As the majority of their staff remains home working remotely during the ongoing pandemic, MDOT continues its’ efforts to make as many of their business processes as fully electronic as possible. MDOT recently issued the Contractor Announcement – Contractor Payments Electronic Document Submission Procedures, that speaks to the electronic submittal
Legislation pushed by MITA that brings state law regarding employer liability protection from COVID-19 related employment disputes up to speed with CDC guidelines for critical infrastructure employees passed the Legislature and was signed into law just as the lame duck legislative session came to a close. Senate Bill 1258, found
Many MITA members took advantage of the Federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan program early on in the pandemic. There have been several issues and concerns voiced by members and others in the industry regarding the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) handling of the program to date. The SBA has developed
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is hosting a virtual Industry Outreach Event to present information on the next phase of the I-94 Modernization Project in Detroit. The Outreach Event will be held on December 9th, 2020 from noon to 1:30 pm with a consultant “Matchmaking” session from 1:40 pm
Anlaan Corporation has reported that a 2008 Bobcat 331 Mini-Excavator was stolen on November 17 around 11:00 a.m. from their job site located on S. Grove Road over I-94 in Ypsilanti. A police report has been filed with the Police Department and the case number is 12-6866-20. The equipment information
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) recently issued an “Epidemic Order” to last three weeks starting 12:01 am Wednesday November 18, 2020 that would limit the amount of people that could gather and also prohibit inside dining at restaurants and bars. In addition, the order also prohibits
Recent spikes in the number of COVID -19 cases has increased the number of questions employers have had related to positive cases and employee exposures to the virus. MIOSHA still considers your workforce to be “critical infrastructure employees,” thus allowing the industry to operate under the CDC guidelines for said
During the pandemic, normal business operations have been interrupted in many ways. That is no more prevalent than with necessary transactions at Secretary of State (SOS) offices. The Legislature approved extensions for items like license renewals and vehicle registration renewals, however there are still some items that members need and