
Are you looking to improve and update your safety equipment? The MIOSHA Workplace Improvement to Safety and Health (MIWISH) Program awards employers in the state of Michigan a dollar-for-dollar match, up to $5,000, to qualifying employers for projects designed to reduce the risk of injury and illness to their workers

Don’t forget to take the Michigan Work Zone Safety Task Force Perception Survey. The deadline has been extended to Friday, April 26th. In late 2018, industry leaders and Michigan Department of Transportation teamed up to establish the Work Zone Safety Task Force. Aimed at improving work zone safety and reducing

Effective 6:00 AM Monday, April 22, 2019 weight restrictions will be lifted on all state trunkline highways from the southern Michigan border north to and including M-72 from the intersection with M-22, in the Village of Empire, Leelanau County, then east on M-72 to US-131 in the Village of Kalkaska

NBC 25 News April 18, 2019 LANSING, Mich. — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s proposed gas tax increase she announced during her fist state of the state address in Feb. 2019 stirred the conversation in Lansing and Thursday, the conversation continued looking for a solution. The proposed 45-cent gas tax increase was

In October 2018, legislation was passed and signed into law that allowed for green safety lights to be installed on construction vehicles that are engaged in authorized highway repair or maintenance. Studies have shown that green lights can be seen more effectively and are therefore safer. State, county and local