
MDOT has informed MITA that with the projected warmer temperatures for this weekend and beyond, they are anticipating spring weight restrictions on trunkline routes may start going on, especially in the southern Michigan, sometime during the week of March 10, 2019. Some county road agencies have already implemented weight

MEMO To: MITA Contractor Members From: Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President/Secretary Date: January 31, 2019 Subject: Contractor Dues Adjustment At its January 23, 2019 meeting, the MITA Board of Directors unanimously approved a MITA Contractor Dues Adjustment. This change allows MITA to continue the professional level of

To better smooth the MDOT bid lettings in the height of the coming construction season, MDOT has moved the August letting to the second Friday in August, August 9th. This move of the August letting smooths the time between the July, August and September lettings such that there will now be 4 weeks between

As you know the State of Michigan conducts its financial and business processes via the automated system SIGMA (Statewide Integrated Governmental Management Applications) where vendors, such as contractors, establish their company accounts for doing business with the State. MITA recently learned of the situation where someone registered a fraudulent company

MDOT is currently in the process of upgrading their ProjectWise system (used for e-Construction) and they would like to share with industry some of the current and future benefits of the upgrade in an e-Construction session. In addition, MDOT would like to hear industry feedback on e-Construction to date and

Mr. Willard Thompson, PE has recently been appointed as the next Southwest Region Engineer for the Michigan Department of Transportation. Will most recently served as the Lansing Transportation Service Center (TSC) Manager for the past 3 ½ years and held previous positions as Associate Region Engineer for Delivery (Construction, Maintenance,

Yesterday Governor-elect Gretchen Whitmer announced a significant number of her key cabinet appointments including the key person who will carry out her primary campaign promise to “Fix the Damn Roads.” Paul Ajegba, a 28-year veteran of the Michigan Department of Transportation, was named by Whitmer as the Department’s next

This year’s lame duck session saw more bills passed than any previous lame duck period in Michigan’s history. As the state prepares to swear in a new Governor on January 1st, Republicans in the legislature feverishly passed legislation that has been on their wish lists for years, before the new Democratic

MITA’s Executive Vice President, Mike Nystrom, has been appointed to the Governor’s recently formed Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority, effective immediately. This new three-member board has been charged with overseeing the development of the Line 5 utility tunnel underneath the Straits of Mackinac and was created after Governor Snyder signed legislation

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) intends on using a Design-Build procurement method to correct Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) deficiencies at up to 78 of MDOT’s Rest Areas and Welcome Centers across the state. MDOT plans to issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in late December and a Request

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) intends on using a Design-Build procurement method to deliver a freeway pavement, interchange, and bridge reconstruction project on I-75 in Buena Vista Township, Saginaw County. MDOT plans to issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in early January and a Request for Proposals (RFP) in

Paid Sick Time Legislation Moves In Lame Duck The bi-annual ‘lame duck’ session began in the legislature this week. Every two years between Election Day and the end of the year when new lawmakers are sworn into office, current legislators scramble to pass last minute legislation. The term “lame duck”