
MDOT has selected two upcoming construction projects to pilot AASHTOWare Project Construction & Materials (APCM). MDOT plans to implement APCM as a replacement for FieldManager after testing is complete. The two pilot projects selected will be: MDOT Contract 84916 – 132611A – Overband crack fill and HMA crack treatment project.

MITA Responds to Misuse of Road Funding Dollars Earlier this year, the Isabella County Road Commission (ICRC) presented a proposal to the full county commission to build a new $10 million building to replace their current structure. The proposal is for a 30-year bond that would end up costing approximately

*NEW MEETING DATE & TIME* The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently notified the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) of their approval of MDOT’s Special Experimental Project Number 14 (SEP-14) Work Plan for an On-the-Job Training (OJT) Voluntary Incentive Program (VIP) Pilot. The OJT VIP pilot proposal was developed through

Governor Proposes New Water Fee In his last year as Governor, Rick Snyder is continuing his strong advocacy for improving infrastructure in Michigan. This week the Governor spent every day bringing attention to different aspects of infrastructure and environmental improvement. The most significant announcement he made during this infrastructure week

MITA is reminding it’s members of the MIOSHA reporting requirement to post the MIOSHA Form 300A (Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses) from February 1 to April 30, 2018. Below is the link for you to download MIOSHA forms. The forms were developed in accordance with federal changes in recordkeeping.

Before you head to the MITA Annual Conference in Mt. Pleasant later this week, get engaged with our public relations campaign, Fix MI State, to help raise awareness of the massive unmet infrastructure needs across Michigan. Launched in December 2016, Fix MI State has received state and national recognition for

In 2014, Doug Stockwell, Business Manager of Operating Engineers Local 324 (OE), started challenging the historical interpretation of Article IX of the MITA/OE Road Collective Bargaining Agreement. Article IX states that all subcontractors must comply “with all the rates, terms and conditions of this Agreement…” According to Mr. Stockwell, Article

On September 23, 2015, the Michigan Department of Treasury issued Revenue Administrative Bulletin 2015-17 relating to the sales tax treatment of delivery services provided by retailers. The issuance of the Bulletin clarified when certain delivery charges would not be taxable pursuant to the Michigan Sales Tax Act if a retailer was engaged

Below are MDOT’s comments they included when sending us the attached DRAFT Standard Plan R-49-G (new permanent median Concrete Barrier) for our review and comment. “Attached is the first draft of R-49-G “Concrete Barrier”. This detail is subject to change as we do anticipate comments. Please note the specification will