MDOT DBE Program Under Scrutiny

As a part of their responsibilities for implementing a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, MDOT must report regularly to the FHWA on their status towards attainment of their annual DBE participation goal. In a recent report covering the first six months...

MCDR Request for Letters of Interest

The Macomb County Department of Roads (MCDR) is soliciting Letters of Interest (LOI) from companies interested in providing Design-Build services for the Mound Road Industrial Corridor Technology and Innovation Project (reconstruction of nine miles of Mound Rd between...

MDOT I-94 Calhoun County Design Build Project

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) intends on using a Design-Build procurement method to deliver a road and bridge rehabilitation and reconstruction project on I-94 in Calhoun County. MDOT plans to issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in September of...

MDOT Blue Water Bridge Project-Specific Qualifications

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) intends on using a two-phase procurement process to select a contractor to deliver a project to remove 5 existing toll booths and install 5 new toll booths, as well as other improvements, along eastbound I-94 on the...

MDOT e-Proposal Post Upgrade Fixes

MDOT e-Proposal application was updated May 27, 2020 to include the fixes listed below.  Users will need to clear their internet cache (click here for instructions) in order for all fixes to display correctly. Resolved Issues: • Large file downloads (internet browser...