Spring Weight Restrictions … Coming Soon!!

Although no spring weight restrictions have been formally put into place yet, MITA is hearing from MDOT and several counties that they are contemplating imposing weight restrictions as early as Monday, February 24, for much of the southern half of the lower peninsula....

UPDATE: MDOT Bid Results Download Interruptions

If you are a MITA member who bids on projects in the MDOT arena, you will know that on Friday, February 7th, MDOT experienced another frustrating interruption in their download of the bid results from that day’s bid letting. Unfortunately, this is not the first bid...

Spring Weight Restrictions … May Be Coming Soon!

With the recent warm temperatures and rainfall, MDOT has informed MITA that they are now monitoring frost depths statewide and that Spring Weight Restrictions could be imposed within the next couple of weeks. County road agencies are also monitoring frost conditions...

MDOT Implements Revised “DBE at Time of Bid” Process

With their posting of the Contractor Announcement (CA) “New Requirements for DBE Goal at Time of Bid” late last week, MDOT formally announced the implementation of the revised “DBE at Time of Bid” process, which will be effective for the January 10, 2020 bid letting...

MDOT RFQ: Railroad Bridge Replacement CMGC – Wexford County

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), Office of Rail, is accepting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ’s) from entities (Submitters) interested in providing Construction Manager / General Contractor (CMGC) services for a railroad infrastructure improvement...

MDOT Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Site Visit – Item 1912-027

For contractors interested in the superstructure steel repairs project on Grosse Ilse Parkway over Trenton Channel in Wayne County (December letting item 027), the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has recently issued the following notice: A non-mandatory...