MDOT FY 2013 Highway Program Announced

At a recent State Transportation Commission meeting MDOT leadership announced they would invest $1.17 billion in their FY 2013 Highway Program.  This investment level represents a 13% reduction from the $1.35 billion MDOT invested in their FY 2012 Highway Program. In...

MDOT Revises Buy America Special Provision

As reported in the past, the Buy America reporting criteria that was enforced during the 2012 construction season was a temporary measure.  From the day the Special Provision for Source of Steel and Iron (Buy America), dated May 31, 2012, was placed into effect; the...

MDOT Hosts Technology Forums

MDOT announces three Technology Forums scheduled to take place this fall. These forums will offer an opportunity for engineers, surveyors and technicians as well as consultant and contractor partners to discuss current technological advancements along with several...

MDOT Implements “E-Verify” Requirement

When MDOT’s budget bill (PA 200 of 2012) was signed into law in June by Governor Snyder it included the new requirement that all pre-qualified contractors use the E-Verify system to validate the legality of new-hires to work in the United States.  Specifically the law...

MITA Publishes “Mega Projects” Meeting Notes

On September 10th several MITA member contractors met with MDOT leadership to discuss MDOT’s contracting plans for the future Southeast Michigan “Mega Projects.”  The referred to “Mega Projects” are generally understood to include significant reconstruction and/or...