MDOT Rolls Out Internet Transport Permit Process …. MiTRIP

The fact that MDOT implemented a new internet based transport routing and permitting process on May 9, 2011, should not be news to any MITA member by this time.  Users of MDOT’s previous automated permitting process were notified of the implementation date and...

Trucking Update for Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage Projects

As many of you are aware, the applicability of prevailing wage on federal-aid projects as it relates to truck drivers has become an area of focus for both MDOT and US DOL.  In an attempt to gain a better understanding of the federal rules that pertain to truck...

Tax Liability on Construction Materials

This bulletin will serve as MITA’s annual reminder to our contractor members of the issue of tax liability on construction materials that are being incorporated in projects of tax-exempt owners. Contractors performing work for public agencies, churches and schools are...

MDOT Addenda – Long Sought New Look

Progress is being made… We’re hopeful, you noticed the new Notice to Bidder document (titled “NTB Addenda Markup”) that appeared on a few advertised projects for the November 2010 lettings. MITA members should recall from previous engineering updates, that the...

MDOT 2011 Highway Program Announced

At the September State Transportation Commission meeting, MDOT leadership announced they would invest $1.38 billion in their 2011 Highway Program. This investment level represents roughly a continuation of the $1.44 billion 2010 Highway Program that was supplemented...