Road Agreement Reached with Operating Engineers

An Agreement was reached on May 13th for the statewide road contract.  The details are as follows: 1.    5 year agreement 2.    Monetary adjustments Effective June 1, 2008    –    $1.20/hr Effective June 1, 2009    –    $1.20/hr Effective June 1, 2010  ...

Re-allocation of Operating Engineers Fringe Benefits

Most of you have received a notice from the Operating Engineers Local 324 relative to allocating three cents ($.03) per hour from the Labor Management Committee to the Retiree Benefit Fund. This re-allocation has been approved by the Trustees and you will be issued...

Labor-Teamster Wage & Fringe Adjustment Effective 04-01-05

Page: 1 NO: LABOR – 001 Date: 3/9/05 Circulation: Contractor Labor List Teamster Wage & Fringe Adjustment Effective 04-01-05 Underground Teamster Agreement wage & fringe adjustment effective April 1, 2005. The following represents the wage & fringe...