MITA’s 2016-2017 Membership Directory Is Underway

Review Your Company Listing   All MITA members will be mailed their free directory listing sometime next week.  Please carefully review it for accuracy, make any necessary changes, and return to MITA by December 31.  If we do not hear from you, we will assume the...

Wayne State University Seeks Volunteer Smokers for a Study

Wayne State University School of Medicine is looking for individuals who smoke cigarettes (half a pack or more), between the ages of 21-35, who are able to come to the Detroit medical campus.  They will be compensated up to $200 for their time participating in a brief...

Michigan Energy Community Conversation

The Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance, in partnership with the Michigan Energy Speaks Coalition, is hosting an Energy Forum on Friday, December 11th from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm at the DoubleTree in Bay City. This is an educational forum to discuss energy issues and...

Rachelle VanDeventer, P.E., Joins MITA Staff

  MITA is pleased to announce that Rachelle VanDeventer, P.E., has joined our staff as Vice President of Industry Relations. Rachelle replaces Douglas Needham, P.E., who is the new executive director of the Michigan Aggregate Association.   Rachelle most...