Safety Directors ZOOM Roundtable

To: MITA Safety Directors Group From: Greg Brooks, Director of Safety & Compliance Date: June 2, 2020 RE: Safety Directors ZOOM Roundtable The Safety Directors roundtable originally scheduled on April 30, 2020, has been rescheduled as a ZOOM webinar for June 23,...

Stop Use – Immediate Action Required

MITA has received notice that 3M Fall Protection issued a “Stop Use – Immediate Action Required” letter surrounding the use of the DBI-SALA® Delta™ & Exofit XP™ Arc Flash Harnesses. Please read the information contained in the link provided and...

COVID-19 Guidance Posters Offered By MITA

MITA is now taking pre-orders for posters which offer guidance to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in offices and on job sites. The posters are available in two sizes: 12” x 18” printed on waterproof, tear-proof vinyl or 32” x 48” printed on a more...

Job Site Inspections and Safety Training

MITA’s major focus on safety encompasses regular training, informational updates and regular job site inspections to ensure that member companies are compliant with keeping the workforce and motorists safe when work is being done. MITA staff is now available for...

COVID-19 Resources Available For Industry – Make Contact Today!

MITA is offering this list of resources for the supply of KN95 masks, as well as other COVID-19 related safety supplies that you may need for your job sites. A few of the companies are highlighted as MITA members, and as such, we would encourage you to support those...