MDOT Issues “COVID-19 Field Operations Guidance”

On Wednesday, March 25th, MDOT issued COVID-19 Field Operations Guidance for the purpose of ensuring that all employees working on construction projects in the field, performing critical infrastructure functions on behalf of the MDOT, are provided clear instruction...

Utility Contacts and Guidance Update

USIC and URG have offered the attached list and corresponding map in an effort to connect the field with the appropriate staff member for your area. While these two entities do not stake for every facility, these two locators will be involved in many of the tickets...

MITA Safety Directors Group

To: MITA Safety Directors Group From: Greg Brooks, Director of Safety & Compliance Date: March 13, 2020 RE: Safety Directors Roundtable MITA will host a Safety Directors roundtable on April 30, 2020. A representative from MIOSHA Construction Safety and Health...

Attention MITA Safety Directors

Do you need to schedule a job site inspection? Is your safety training up to date? Do you have a burning compliance question? Make sure you are in our special Safety Group to receive notice of upcoming meetings and up to date information from our Director of Safety...

Sponsor National Work Zone Awareness Week Today!

National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW), April 20-24, 2020, is an annual spring campaign held at the start of the construction season to spread awareness and the importance of work zone safety. MITA, MDOT, and roadway safety partners throughout Michigan have...