MIOSHA Rescinds COVID Emergency Orders

As of Tuesday June 22, MIOSHA will rescind their Emergency Orders pertaining to COVID-19. There will be no specific orders for the Construction Industry to follow for COVID-19. The only exception will be any construction happening inside a working hospital, at which...

MIOSHA Lifts Mask Requirements for Vaccinated Workers

Governor Whitmer announced updates to the COVID-19 emergency orders today. Most notably employers are no longer required to mandate masks for fully vaccinated workers, and MIOSHA has removed the requirement that employers must create a “policy prohibiting in-person...

MIOSHA COVID-19 Proposed Permanent Rule to Be Withdrawn

MITA along with many other business groups have been working diligently to stave off permanent MIOSHA rules concerning COVID-19. A public hearing was scheduled for May 26th as the next step in the process of implementing a permanent standard enforceable by MIOSHA...

MITA to Host Traffic Safety Course

MITA is hosting The American Traffic Safety Services Association’s (ATSSA) training course entitled, “High Visibility Safety Apparel and Visibility in Highway Work Environments,” on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, at 8 a.m. This four-hour course was designed with a...

National Work Zone Awareness Week is April 26-30, 2021

Each year in the spring, National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is held to bring national attention to motorist and worker safety in work zones. There has been a heartbreakingly high number of fatalities and injuries in work zones on Michigan roads over the past...

USIC Contact List – Updated

USIC has released an updated contact list. Please click here to download the list and coordinating service area map. MITA suggests if your ticket is marked with an ongoing coordination code or anything out of the norm. To call in for additional assistance which you...