Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage – Attention Flag Person Rate Change!

On August 11, 2014, MDOT issued “AddendA-Wage Decision Updates” for the August 22, 2014 MDOT letting.

Contained within the updated “MI14001 General Wage Determination, effective 8/1/2014” is a modified Flag Person wage ($18.99) and fringe ($12.75) rate that equates to a total package rate of $31.74 that is vastly different from the previous rate of $7.25.

Upon discovering this extreme increase, MITA immediately contacted USDOL to resolve this apparent clerical error.

In the interim, until this error can be addressed, you must account for this increase in your flagging operations.

If you have any questions or comments contact Glenn Bukoski at glennbukoski@mi-ita.com or Doug Needham at douglasneedham@mi-ita.com or call them at the MITA office at 517-347-8336.