FieldManager Contractor Update

A “FieldManager Contractor” User group meeting was recently held (10/22/09) at the MITA building.  During the meeting, InfoTech highlighted some new software enhancements and listened to suggestions from the participating MITA contractors for future releases.

As you may recall from previous discussions and bulletins, MITA members are driving this program development effort.

Throughout the user group meeting, it became evident that the contractors who have made the switch from managing spreadsheets to utilizing the many features of FieldManager Contractor have reaped the rewards of moving forward with the technology.

The MITA member driven program “FieldManager Contractor” may be just the project administration tool you have been waiting for.

The recently released version of FieldManager Contractor provides for:
–  DBE tracking
–  Equipment cost to date report
–  Contractor status report
–  Added revenue calculations on the Foreman’s Daily Report
–  Re-formatting of the subcontractor payment report
–  Ability to add items (not being paid by the owner agency) to a subcontractor payment
–  Improved user interface when assigning item payments to subs
–  Subcontractor (from the view of a sub) payment inquiry

Other functionality of FieldManager Contractor includes the ability to:
–  Create discrepancy reports
–  Create a daily progress discrepancy by item
–  Establish the basis of a subcontract
–  Easily calculate a subcontractor total dollar amount
–  Import your Expedite Bid (*.ebs) file
–  Track costs of personnel and equipment per day
–  Create payment reports for subs

For more information regarding FieldManager Contractor, click here.

If you have any questions or comments, contact Glenn Bukoski at or Doug Needham at or call them at the MITA office at 517-347-8336.