Gas Tax Bill Introduced in State House

This week, legislation was introduced in the State House that would increase the state’s gas tax eight cents by 2013 and provide diesel tax parity (HB 5768-5770).  The bills would raise approximately $480 million once fully implemented and ensure Michigan is able to receive the full match of federal aid from Washington.

The bills have been introduced with bipartisan support.

MITA is fully backing the proposal and we anticipate that a vehicle registration fee increase proposal will be forthcoming as well.  The news of the bill introduction is great news and was first announced at the Soaring Eagle Annual Conference on Friday.

Now that there are actual funding bills introduced, this gives Pavement Pounders a good opportunity to contact their legislative friends in the state House and urge their support.

Click here for the press release from Reps. Ball and Byrnes from yesterday afternoon.