MDOT Pilots “Small Project DBE Goal Setting” Process

MDOT has announced they will let three Metro Region projects in the February 1st letting as part of pilot process that establishes DBE participation goals that are higher than the participation goals typically seen on projects with their contract value.

MDOT’s expressed intent with the pilot process is to identify smaller, non-expedited projects that, through their specific items of work will provide increased participation opportunities for the certified and prequalified DBE contractor community. In selecting the pilot projects and establishing their participation goals, MDOT Metro Region staff worked closely with their Office of Business Development to insure an appropriate community of active DBE certified contractors existed in the disciplines of work included on the projects. The success of these pilot projects could provide MDOT new flexibility when establishing DBE participation goals on future large, high impact, expedited projects.

“We have had some difficult experiences attaining the DBE participation goals on past large, high profile, expedited projects that have significant incentive/disincentive provisions”, said Greg Johnson, MDOT’s Metro Region Engineer. “We view these pilot “small” projects as opportunities to increase DBE contractor participation and grow the capacity of the DBE contractor community in a project environment more conducive to those goals”.

To view MDOT’s Notice to Bidders about these pilot projects click here.

If you have any questions, contact Glenn Bukoski, Vice President of Engineering Services at or Doug Needham, Director of Technical Services at or call them at the MITA office at 517-347-8336.