MITA Wins MSAE Gold Award For New Website!

Recently, MITA was named a Gold Award recipient for achievement in website development and implementation from the Michigan Society of Association Executives at their 14th Annual Diamond Awards Banquet in Troy. The recognition from MITA’s peers in the association world for a job well done and professionally executed was much appreciated and is now a source of pride for the association and our members.


Here’s an excerpt from our official submission to be considered for the award:


“While the main implementation process of the website is now complete, maintaining and building upon the foundation will absolutely be critical to MITA’s continued success as a leader in the heavy/highway construction industry. We always want to be looking to the future, and, as we do that, we want to guide our members in the right direction.


The industry itself is in a constant state of transition, so having the creative control to change, update, re-design and innovate the website continually is important to maintaining the reputation and identity of the association. We always want our members to have access to the best our association has to offer. Going through this process has enabled us to do that and will ensure that we can do that well into the future.”


MITA has an award-winning website, so make sure you’re taking advantage of it today and every day!


Click here to access the MITA website.