I Make America Campaign

Poor infrastructure is not just a Michigan problem. On the national level, at least 33 percent of our nation’s major roads are in poor or mediocre condition and 26 percent of bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. At the national level, a...

MITA Unveils Lame Duck Funding Package

Many MITA members and legislators have asked in recent weeks exactly what transportation funding bills the association is pursuing during lame duck session. Although bills are likely to be amended and added as the process moves forward, MITA staff wanted to share with...

MITA Negotiations Could Lead to $100M Boost in Sewer Work

Every year the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE) identifies a proposed fundable range for State Revolving Fund projects; holds a public meeting, and then announces via a press release what the fundable range will be for the coming fiscal year....