Sep 3, 2010 | Legislative
Yesterday, Gov. Granholm held a ceremonial bill signing for bills designed to bolster greater use of sidewalks and bike paths. Under the “Complete Streets” legislation (HB 6151-6152), road agencies would be required to consider efficient movement of people and goods...
Aug 4, 2010 | Legislative
You win some, you lose some. That’s what happens in every election and last night was no exception. By now you all know, Virg Bernero and Rick “The Nerd” Snyder are the nominees for governor. On the Democrat side, it looks like the old guard labor union establishment...
Jul 23, 2010 | Legislative
Prospects for reauthorization of the federal highway spending bill seem remote given the current climate in Washington. Kenneth Orski, a public policy consultant in Washington wrote a brief analysis that we thought we would share with you. His column underscores the...
Jul 16, 2010 | Legislative
Don’t waste your summer. Educate your local candidates for office about infrastructure issues before the upcoming election. Even if every incumbent running for reelection to the state legislature is successful, over half the legislature will be brand new in January. ...
Jul 9, 2010 | Legislative
This spring the Granholm Administration was floating a plan to use the AUC-backed Proposal 2 bond dollars approved in 2002 as a revenue source for the state’s brownfield clean-up program. While those dollars were meant for sewer infrastructure, the state has borrowed...