MITA Year in Review: 2007 Legislative Accomplishments

This year proved to be an eventful year in the legislature. The governor and legislature tackled a billion dollar a year deficit, re-wrote the state’s business tax laws and significantly increased general fund revenues through major tax increases. As 2007 draws to a...

22 Percent MBT Surcharge Replaces Service Tax

Legislators finally agreed on a replacement plan for the controversial sales tax on services this weekend. MITA opposed the replacement plan because medium size companies will see a sizeable 22-percent increase in their MBT liability under the proposal. However, many...

MBT Hike Could Replace Sales Tax on Services

Last week the state Senate approved a plan to replace the state’s controversial new sales tax on services by creating a 13.85 percent MBT surcharge. The plan would also put a January 1, 2011 sunset date on the increase. The Senate proposal counters a House plan which...