State Budget Negotiations Underway

Now that the much-debated income tax and sales tax on services are in place, the Legislature and governor are quickly working to finalize the FY 2008 budget by the October 31st deadline. Because the Transportation budget is based off gas tax and vehicle registration...

Local Preference Policy Update

MITA has been consistently opposed to cities applying local hiring preferences and will continue to strongly oppose those types of local ordinances. The following is an update on recent local preference issues in Detroit and Lansing. City of Detroit On November 1,...

MITA Seeking Clarification of New Sales Tax

Creating a new sales tax on services after midnight has its drawbacks. In the dead of night last weekend, legislators passed a plan to put a sales tax on some services. Included in the new tax were various “consulting” services and “landscaping” services. At the same...

State Government Open for Business

State government is open for business after lawmakers gave Governor Granholm what she wanted this morning to call off a shutdown. After the Senate early this morning passed a sales tax expansion, Granholm ordered state employees to work, ending a brief halt in...

MITA Lobbying Effort Notches $372 Million Victory

Details Emerge on What is a “Taxable Service” The construction industry dodged a major bullet this week during the state’s budget negotiations. All the way up to the 11th hour, the Legislature and governor were discussing adding a sales tax to a range of services. The...