Nov 6, 2006 | Legislative
Tuesday is a big day to help determine the direction of our state for the next four years. MITA has invested much time and resources to elect leaders who are committed to building and maintaining Michigan’s infrastructure. In addition to the governor, attorney general...
Oct 30, 2006 | Legislative
In a seasonal twist to the anti K-16 commercials saying “don’t be fooled by 5”, opponents of the K-16 ballot proposal held a press conference on Halloween to warn voters the scary consequences of approving the Proposal 5 ballot question during next week’s general...
Oct 18, 2006 | Legislative
The statewide ballot will contain five proposals that Michigan residents must decide on November 7. Several of them will affect the heavy construction industry in Michigan. Of greatest concern to our industry is Proposal 5–the K-16 initiative . A seemingly...
Oct 10, 2006 | Legislative
With less than a month to go, MITA members must hurry if your contributions are going to have an influence on this year’s elections. The MITA PAC has identified a number of candidates and legislative leaders across the state who will support our industry while in...
Oct 10, 2006 | Legislative
Today the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) unveiled the water and wastewater revolving fund applicant lists for 2007. The reports contain all of the projects where the state determined that money was available at the time the work was scheduled to...