Feb 23, 2006 | Legislative
The MITA State Transportation Funding Initiative is now up and running at full speed. The initiative, that has been named the Drive MI Campaign, is a three-prong effort, which will ultimately push for a comprehensive increase in Michigan’s overall transportation...
Feb 20, 2006 | Legislative
2006-07 Budget Debate Begins Recently, Governor Jennifer Granholm introduced her 2006-07 Executive Budget Proposal, which included the MDOT Transportation Budget. This budget proposal includes an increase in the road and bridge program due to increased federal funding...
Jan 10, 2006 | Legislative
Governor Granholm will be attending the MITA Annual Conference on Friday, January 20, and will address the group at the luncheon beginning at 12:00 noon in the Saginaw Chippewa Ballroom at the Soaring Eagle Casino. The Governor’s 2006 State of the State Address...
Dec 15, 2005 | Legislative
On November 29, 2004, Governor Granholm signed into law House Bill 4358. This piece of legislation will become effective on January 1, 2006. The new law allows a driver to rebalance the lift-axles making a turn or merge before being weighed. The definition of a...
Nov 21, 2005 | Legislative
In our constant effort to keep you up-to-date and involved in the current legislative events and issues that affect your industry, we have added another informational source and feature to our web site. Legislative Action Center “Capwiz” is a link on our legislative...