Nov 9, 2005 | Legislative
A new Bush Administration request to spend $2.325 billion to repair and rebuild highways and bridges damaged by Hurricane Katrina will be paid by the general fund of the U.S. Treasury, according to the Bureau of National Affairs. Under SAFETEA-LU, Congress designated...
Oct 11, 2005 | Legislative
Federal Transportation Funding (SAFETEA-LU) & Hurricane Katrina The recent catastrophic disaster resulting from Hurricane Katrina has caused some in Washington D.C. to suggest that funds recently authorized in the six-year transportation act (SAFETEA-LU) be...
Sep 28, 2005 | Legislative
Recently the Michigan Legislature approved a conference report for the 2005-06 Transportation Budget. This conference report includes the road and bridge program funding that will be used in the summer of 2006 for all projects funded through the Michigan...
Sep 23, 2005 | Legislative
YOUR INPUT REQUESTED ON BURDENSOME REGULATIONS In order to improve our state’s regulatory and overall business climate, House Commerce Committee Chairman Representative Bill Huizenga (R-Ottawa) has formed and named Representative Rick Baxter (R-Jackson) chair of...
Sep 16, 2005 | Legislative
Under HB 4852, which is currently working its way through the State Senate, several motor carrier exemptions will be repealed. MITA has been directly engaged in working on this voluminous piece of legislation to make sure that the industry’s interests are protected at...