MITA-Backed Candidates Win House, Senate Leadership

Continuing on the recent general election success where MITA-PAC earned an impressive 69-3 record in those races in which it was involved, MITA continued its streak by supporting all four winners in this week’s legislative leadership races. In leadership elections...

Michigan Dems Win Governor, House

MITA score card: 69-3 In a landslide fashion, Democrats scored significant gains in Michigan, retaining the governorship with almost 60 percent of the vote and seizing control of the state House for the first time in eight years. Republicans managed to sustain a slim...

$26 Million in State Water Quality Grants Awarded

The state announced that 67 communities have been approved to receive grants to assist with the completion of needed water quality improvement efforts. In 2005, MITA helped write and pass legislation creating a $40 million clean water grant program. The “S2” grants...

Tuesday is Election Day – Remember to Vote!

Tuesday is a big day to help determine the direction of our state for the next four years. MITA has invested much time and resources to elect leaders who are committed to building and maintaining Michigan’s infrastructure. In addition to the governor, attorney general...