Let’s Build Up That MITA PAC!

November has been an amazing month for MITA and the entire heavy/highway construction industry. Not only did the Legislature finally pass a much needed and comprehensive long-term road funding plan, but the Governor signed the package of bills at the MITA headquarters...

Significant Movement On Road Funding In Michigan Legislature

On Wednesday evening, the Michigan House of Representatives passed a road funding proposal that will increase investment levels for Michigan’s transportation system by $1.2 billion annually once fully implemented. The revenues would be generated by a combination of...

Road Funding Discussions Continue

The Governor and Legislature continue to negotiate the best way to raise additional revenues for our transportation network in Michigan. Despite what you may read or hear in the media, there has been some significant progress over the last month. All four leaders in...

Legislature Continues Debate on Road Funding Through Summer

Although lawmakers have returned to their districts for summer recess, a lot has occurred and continues to occur towards finding a long-term sustainable solution to our road-funding problem in Michigan.  Both the House and Senate have passed their respective plans to...


A real deal to get a fully funded transportation fix done has never been closer than it is right now. We strongly encourage all MITA members to reach out to your state representatives, asking them to get this important task done this summer. We need a full funding...