Help Us Spread the Highway Work Zone Safety Message

This recent MITA Facebook post was viewed over 50,000 times and helped spread MITA’s work zone safety message. The post was made possible by a MITA member who anonymously submitted dash cam footage of a driver pulling out in front of a truck in an active work zone....

It is so easy to help Protect Michigan Work Zones, a campaign that was kicked off for the industry during the recent MITA Annual Conference and will be launched to the general public in April during Work Zone Awareness Week. The purpose of this campaign is to ensure...

Safety Moments Memo From MDOT

MITA and many of its members have been involved with the Michigan Work Zone Safety Task Force since its inception at the end of 2018. One of the goals of the task force is to improve work zone safety culture across the state. The attached MDOT Office Memorandum issued...