MITA Releases Workforce Development Needs Survey

As we all are hopeful for an ultimate end date of the Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Safe mandate, MITA would like you to take a few minutes to answer some questions regarding your company’s workforce needs. It is anticipated that with the shutdown, our labor...

2020 Road, Highway and Infrastructure Hiring Fairs

MITA, along with Michigan Construction, MDOT, the Michigan Aggregate Association, the County Road Association, the Asphalt Pavement Association of Michigan, Michigan Concrete Association, Michigan Works!, and AIS, is hosting multiple hiring events during the months of...

MITA Obtains State Workforce Development Grant

OKEMOS, MI – As national exposure to shortages in the skilled trades continues to make news, students of Gaylord Community Schools will now begin bridging the gap, thanks to a state grant obtained through the efforts of the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation...