The Importance of Social Media – Are You Liking, Sharing, Tweeting, Favoriting, & Commenting?

As you may have noticed, social media is playing an increasingly important role in your everyday lives, as well as in your professional activities and communications. Many dismiss social media as a waste of time and resources, but the truth of the matter is that Facebook and Twitter are actually excellent tools to bring members together for a common cause, like road funding.

MITA has both an official Facebook page and an official Twitter account. If you, your family, your friends, or colleagues have a Facebook and/or Twitter account, MITA would love to see your support on social media. The best way to increase traffic to both accounts is to have people like you doing all of the following on a regular basis:

~ LIKING – This indicates that a posted item has been well received by those seeing it, and can encourage others to like it.
~ SHARING – This helps to spread important information from person to person in order to reach a larger audience.
~ COMMENTING – This starts a dialogue about the issue being posted and gets people involved in the conversation.
~ TWEETING/RE-TWEETING – This is the Twitter version of sharing and is an excellent way to share information quickly to a lot of people (followers).
~ FAVORITING – This is the Twitter version of liking something, and it helps generate buzz for particular tweets.

You can find the MITA Facebook page by typing Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association into the search bar. You can follow MITA on Twitter and tweet @MIRoadsBridges.

Social media is the most powerful when EVERYONE participates. The best way to do this is by making social media part of your daily routine. When you check the MITA website, check the MITA Facebook page and Twitter feed, just to see what’s going on. While you’re at it, share or re-tweet the things that are posted. Join MITA in keeping the industry voice strong and in spreading the word on the need for increased road funding!

If you have questions about social media, please contact Nancy Brown, Director of Communications, or Mariam Robinson, Outreach Coordinator, at 517-347-8336. They can also be reached at or at