What Should You Say When You Meet Your Elected Officials?

MITA has been encouraging its members to meet regularly with elected officials to talk to them about infrastructure funding.  This is a critical part of building legislative support for greater investment levels.  Contractors often ask, “what should I talk about when I actually sit down with my elected leaders?”

The most important reason for meeting is to begin establishing a relationship.  Spend time to get to know them.  Talk about your business, what kind of work you do, how many people you employ and how infrastructure money helps keep your business operating.  Try to find people, places or things that you may have in common.  If possible, get their cell phone numbers.

Once you’ve given the elected official some context as to who you are, ask them what ideas they have for bolstering investment levels.  Find out what kind of obstacles and opportunities they see on the horizon.   Finally, let them know that independent studies show that we need about $1.5 billion in new highway investment each year just to reverse the deterioration of our road and bridge system.

If you haven’t yet met with your legislator, contact MITA’s outreach coordinator, Nicole Cook, today!   She can help you arrange a meeting with your legislator.  She can be reached at 517-347-8336 or via email at nicolecook@mi-ita.com.