Yesterday, MDOT issued their “COVID-19 Construction Contract Administration Guidance” that was intended to help prime contractors understand how they may react and proceed when there are project specific COVID-19 concerns and impacts. The MDOT guidance was directed at two distinct prime contractor groups, those who choose to, or need to

MITA has received an immense number of calls from member field employees. Most of them center on safety issues related to COVID-19. Many employees have indicated that their employers are asking employees to provide their own PPE. To clarify, it should be understood that MIOSHA regulations require that employers provide

Effective noon Thursday April 2nd, 2020 weight restrictions will be lifted on all state trunkline highways from the southern Michigan border north to the Mackinac Bridge. Frost restrictions are still in effect for the remainder of the state and will be imposed and enforced on all state trunkline highways north