
Below is the link for you to download MIOSHA forms. The forms were developed to accordance with federal changes in recordkeeping. Each form is listed below with a general description and instructions. MIOSHA Form 300 Employers must enter each recordable injury and illness on the MIOSHA Forms 300 and 301

Fugitive dust from roads, surface lots, storage piles, and other sources contributes to air pollution and has the potential to be a significant contributor to storm and surface water pollution. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality is partnering with the East and West Michigan Chapters of the Air & Waste

A new report about the cost to the public of underfunding our transportation system was highlighted at a press conference today in Lansing, sponsored by The Road Information Program (TRIP). The press conference was organized by MITA; and TRIP, MDOT and CRAM representatives gave brief presentations. Click here for the

MDOT recently published their Letting Statistics report for the 2012-2013 fiscal year. This annual report summarizes a variety of analytical statistics related to the MDOT project bid lettings from October 2012 through September 2013. Noteworthy highlights of the report include: • MDOT “let” 845 projects (includes state, local, aero, and railroad)

Roads A Part of “Unfinished Business” in Governor’s State of the State Address Governor Rick Snyder once again called upon the Legislature to take action on adequately funding Michigan’s infrastructure in his annual State of the State address last night. As one of the few items categorized by the administration

The MISS DIG Act was originally established in 1974 and has since governed utility locating throughout Michigan. The original form of the law was written by utility owners and thus, was very lopsided when it came to assessing liability regarding damage responsibility. Essentially, if you hit an underground facility, in

Are your commercial vehicle truck drivers interstate or intrastate? The answer is a simple “yes” or “no” response to the following question: Do your drivers ever leave the state of Michigan? A “yes” answer classifies your driver as interstate while a “no” would classify as intrastate. If your response is well most

On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Michigan’s Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) is hosting a webinar that will explain everything you need to know about the new continuing education requirements for renewing Professional Engineer licenses. Click here to view the official flyer including registration details. If

For those that hold Professional Engineer Licenses, there has been a recent change in the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) Professional Engineers – General Rules (section 308 of 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.308) that became effective October 10, 2013. For engineers that recently reviewed your license in October

News about the New International Trade Crossing (NITC) has been quiet but that doesn’t equate to a lack of progress. At a recent MDOT/ASCE meeting, an update on the progress of the NITC was provided by Andrew Doctoroff, Senior Advisor, Transportation Initiatives for the Michigan Economic Development Corporation Michigan Strategic