
As we have advised you in the past to beware, recently several MITA members have received what appears to be official letters (and emails) from the USDOT requesting specific bank account information. Although they are very official looking on USDOT Procurement Office letterhead, we have confirmed with the USDOT’s Office

Beginning April 1, 2009, MDOT will stop the standard practice of mailing pay estimates. MDOT anticipates that this change will result in significant cost savings to Michigan taxpayers. To obtain a copy of the estimates, contractors can access and print them from the MDOT website. Click here to view the MDOT

How to Organize BMPs Into Effective Erosion Control Plans for Linear Projects Michigan’s Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) is hosting a hands-on training workshop that will focus on how to organize BMPs into effective erosion control plans. Locations are: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 Weber’s Inn 3050 Jackson Avenue Ann Arbor,

A measure that would relieve Michigan businesses from paying the unemployment insurance “solvency tax” was passed unanimously in the House Thursday. According to analyses, the legislation would save businesses $35 million for interest owed by the state to the federal government for the advances on the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund.

If you have not heard about the MITA Ads website, it is designed to provide MITA members a convenient way to view the advertisements of non-MDOT let public and private projects. It is the common practice of Michigan’s heavy/highway industry to utilize MDOT’s website to find project advertisement and letting information for

This bulletin will serve as MITA’s annual reminder to our contractor members of the issue of tax liability on construction materials that are being incorporated in projects of tax-exempt owners. Contractors performing work for public agencies, churches and schools are often faced with this precarious issue. Many of these owners

FieldManager Contractor has all of the functionality of FieldManager Read-Only plus the ability to: Create discrepancy reports Create a daily progress discrepancy by item Establish the basis of a subcontract Easily calculate a subcontractor total dollar amount Import your Expedite Bid (*.ebs) file Track costs of personnel and equipment per

Congressional approval of the federal stimulus package means money will soon flow to Michigan and with it, new jobs. President Obama is expected to sign the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 tomorrow. Final details are still emerging, but it appears that Michigan will be in line for about

MDOT Director, Kirk Steudle, has announced that Greg Johnson, MDOT’s Metro Region Engineer, will replace Larry Tibbits as Chief Operations Officer. Greg joined MDOT in 1989 after working six years for the City of Battle Creek. He worked in the Kalamazoo project office as a resident engineer for six years,

The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has prepared a list of key questions to help identify what departmental permits, licenses, or approvals of a permit-like nature may be needed for a project. By contacting the appropriate offices, you will help reduce the possibility that your project or activity will be

As we have advised you in the past to beware, recently several MITA members have received what appears to be official letters (and emails) from the USDOT requesting specific bank account information. Although they are very official looking on USDOT Procurement Office letterhead, we have confirmed with the USDOT’s Office