

Memo from Mike Nystrom

MITA Family and Friends – With significant mixed emotions I write this letter, not only to you the membership of MITA, but also to all the folks who are involved with our great association, including the entire team at MITA and the many other trade partners and organizations with which

MDOT Project PDF Demo Days

MDOT is inviting all contractors to attend MDOT’s Engineering Support Digital Delivery On-site Demo Days.  The goal of demo is to engage with contractors to become more familiar with the data needs of their processes to influence short term and long term adjustments to the digital delivery concept. Overview of

Design-Build Institute of America Michigan Chapter Meet and Greet

Join us for an afternoon of networking, an introduction to the Michigan Chapter, and an overview of I-75 Modernization Segment 3 and the McLaren Greater Lansing projects. The Suburban Collection Showplace (Copper/Granite Room) 46100 Grand River Ave Novi, MI 48374 DATE Wednesday, September 29, 2021 TIME 4:00 pm – 6:30

Biden Administration Announces New COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements

MITA is closely monitoring two of President Biden’s executive orders issued on September 9 and their impact on the heavy construction industry. The first order requires that all federal employees be vaccinated against COVID-19. The second requires all federal contractors to be vaccinated. MITA affiliate ARTBA has informed us that
MITA in the News

WILX News 10:MITA recognizing construction workers with campaign around Michigan

 Sep. 14, 2021  LANSING, Mich. (WILX) – The Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association known as MITA is putting a marketing campaign together to highlight the men and women working in the construction industry for all of their hard work to improve our roads, sewers and dams across the state even
Press Releases

MITA Launches Campaign Highlighting Infrastructure Work

LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association (MITA) announced today the launch of a new campaign to highlight the hard-working men and women working to fix roads, bridges, dams and underground infrastructure across Michigan, with the limited resources available to do so. “We’re excited to be launching a

MDOT Project PDF Webinar for Contractors

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) invites MITA members to attend a Microsoft Teams Meeting to discuss Project PDF plan set contract deliverables on September 16th, 2021, from 10:30 AM to noon. The purpose of this event is to present MDOT’s pilot Project PDF deliverable format, as well as allow

Safety Directors Group Update

The next safety directors group meeting will be held at the MITA office on September 28th at 1 P.M. There will be a zoom option available. Some members will be speaking about newly implemented safety measures and procedures that are currently being field tested. MITA staff will be bringing you

Federal Infrastructure Plan Closer to Reality

Several reports over the past few weeks have suggested that Congress and President Biden may actually come to a final passage of an over $1 trillion infrastructure deal. The measure has recently passed the U.S. Senate, and it will be debated in the U.S. House when House members return from
Press Releases

U.S. Senate approves infrastructure bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Mike Nystrom 517-347-8336 Aug. 10, 2021  U.S. Senate approves infrastructure bill  LANSING, Mich. – The following statement can be attributed to Mike Nystrom, executive vice president of the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association: “The passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act by the U.S. Senate
Press Releases

Press Release: National TRIP Report Statement from MITA

June 22, 2021 LANSING, Mich. – The following statement can be attributed to Mike Nystrom, executive vice president of the Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association: “While a lot has changed this past year, one thing remained constant: Michigan’s roads didn’t magically improve and we’re still operating well below adequate levels

Safety Directors’ Group Meeting Set for September 28

The next meeting of MITA’s Safety Directors’ Group is set for 1 p.m., Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at the MITA Office. Zoom access to the meeting is available upon request. Greg Brooks, MITA’s Director of Safety and Compliance; and Rob Coppersmith, MITA’s Vice President of Membership Services, will host the