
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) posted a Project Information Sheet for Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) services for commercial and industrial demolition of parcels associated with the I-94 Modernization Project in the City of Detroit. Among other project details, the posted Information Sheet includes anticipated schedule and prequalification. Click here

The US Department of Transportation (USDOT), in partnership with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Surety and Fidelity Association of America (SFAA) invites interested firms to attend a virtual informational meeting on USDOT’s Bonding Education Program (BEP) in Michigan to be held on September 15, 2021. Click here

Frederick Richard “Freddy” Hoyer II, 41, of Port Huron, died unexpectedly of a heart attack on Sunday, July 18, 2021. He was born April 22, 1980 in Mt. Clemens to Frederick and Rhonda Hoyer. Frederick was a superintendent with Action Traffic Maintenance. He enjoyed boating, 4-wheeling and powder coating. He

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has posted a survey regarding their Project PDF pilots and they are requesting feedback from estimators and others involved in preparing bids for the pilots since the November 2020 letting. Please feel free to forward the survey to those who may have assisted with

As of Tuesday June 22, MIOSHA will rescind their Emergency Orders pertaining to COVID-19. There will be no specific orders for the Construction Industry to follow for COVID-19. The only exception will be any construction happening inside a working hospital, at which time construction employees will adhere to Federal healthcare

TO: Union Contractors FROM: Michael A. Nystrom, Executive Vice President/Secretary DATE: May 27, 2021 RE: Union Agreement Wage Rate Updates Effective June 1, 2021 This is a reminder that in accordance with the current Union Agreements between MITA and the Unions below, the following updates will become effective the first