
Mlive May 28, 2019 Now that lawmakers have reached a deal on auto insurance, it’s time for them to get cracking on a road funding solution, Michigan business and local government leaders said Tuesday. During a Tuesday morning press conference, Michigan Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Rich Studley,

LANSING, Mich. — Michigan business and groups representing Michigan’s municipalities urged the Legislature and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to work together to make fixing Michigan’s infrastructure a priority at a news conference Tuesday at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce. Today marks the first day of the Detroit Chamber’s annual Mackinac Policy Conference

Memorandum TO: MITA Underground POA Contractors FROM: Mike Nystrom, Executive Vice President/Secretary DATE: May 23, 2019 RE: Upcoming Expiration of MITA/OE 324 Underground Contract There will be a meeting to discuss the upcoming expiration of the current MITA/OE 324 Underground contract. All signatory contractor members are strongly encouraged to attend.

MITA has learned that MDOT recently provided guidance to their field offices on how they should proceed with the “finaling out” of their construction projects impacted by the lockout of the Operating Engineers, Local 324 (OE 324) last September. It is MITA’s understanding that MDOT’s statewide guidance addresses the following

Bridge Magazine May 13, 2019 By Mike Nystrom Executive Vice President Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association Many groups across our state have urged Michigan governors and legislators, elected over the past two decades, to exercise leadership and pass a plan that will truly fix Michigan’s crumbling roads and bridges. Michigan

“MIOSHA Launches Campaign To Prevent Roadway Accidents” is the title of a recent communication released by LARA. In 2018, nine of the 38 workplace fatalities in Michigan involved individuals being struck by vehicular equipment. Please remember that MIOSHA covers ALL industries, so many of these incidents were outside of the

Effective Monday, May 13, 2019 at 6:00 am, weight restrictions will be lifted on all state trunkline highways within the entire State of Michigan.State trunkline highways typically carry M, I, or US designations. Weight restriction information and updates may be obtained by calling 1-800-787-8960. For companies located in Canada or

3M Fall Protection has learned of the possibility of a manufacturing defect in a dorsal d-ring of ExoFit NEX™ harnesses manufactured between January 2016 and December 2018. Although there have been no reported incidents involving this condition, a dorsal d-ring with this defect will not support the load in a