

Tax Liability on Construction Materials

This bulletin will serve as MITA’s annual reminder to our contractor members of the issue of tax liability on construction materials that are being incorporated in projects of tax-exempt owners. Contractors performing work for public agencies, nonprofits, churches and schools are often faced with this precarious issue. Many of these

Attorney General Nessel Rules Line 5 Tunnel Law Unconstitutional

Attorney General Dana Nessel opined today that the law that established the Line 5 tunnel passed in late 2018 was ultimately unconstitutional and any advancements of a tunnel to house Line 5 should stop immediately.  In response, Governor Whitmer instructed each state department using resources towards a tunnel through the

MDOT Issues 2019 Spring Weight Restriction Bulletin – #4

Effective 6:00 AM Monday, April 1st, weight restrictions will be lifted from the southern Michigan border north to M-43, in the city of South Haven, Van Buren County, then east on M-43 to US-131 in Kalamazoo County, then south on US-131 in Kalamazoo County to I-94 then continuing east on

LAST CHANCE – RSVP Today for Tomorrow’s Meet & Greet w/ MDOT Director Ajegba!

There is still space available to attend tomorrow’s meet and greet with MDOT Director Paul Ajegba at the MITA office between 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm. We respectfully request that members RSVPing only send 1-2 owners or high level management individuals from their companies. Can’t make it tomorrow? There are

Sponsor National Work Zone Awareness Week Today!

National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is an annual spring campaign held at the start of the construction season to encourage safe driving through work zones. Each year, MDOT and roadway safety partners throughout Michigan hold a National Work Zone Awareness Week Press Conference. The event has grown from a

MITA is Now Accepting Applications for the Future Leaders Class of 2019

The MITA Future Leader Development Program will provide accepted applicants with a broad-based educational and personal experience that will prepare them for future leadership roles within their own companies and the construction industry. Applicants should return the application form to Rob Coppersmith, MITA’s Vice President of Membership Services at robcoppersmith@thinkmita.org. If

MDOT Issues 2019 Spring Weight Restriction Bulletin – #1

Effective 6:00 am Monday, March 11th, 2019 weight restrictions will be imposed and enforced on all state trunk line highways from the Michigan/Indiana & Ohio line north to and including M-20 from the intersection of US-31 in Oceana County easterly to US-131 in Mecosta County, then north on US-131 to

Date/Time Changes For Meet & Greets w/ MDOT Director – Please Adjust Your Calendars!

We have had some date and time changes to the meet and greets that are scheduled with MDOT Director Paul Ajegba. If you have RSVPed for a specific date and time, please take note of the changes: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm – TIME CHANGED

MDOT Issues 2019 Spring Weight Restriction Bulletin – #3

Effective 6:00 AM Monday, March 18, 2019, weight restrictions will be imposed and enforced on all state trunk line highways for the entire state of Michigan, both Upper and Lower Peninsula. State trunkline highways typically carry M, I, or US designations. Weight restriction information and updates may be obtained by
Press Releases

2019 TRIP Report Press Releases

The 2019 TRIP (The Road Information Program) Report was released to the media on March 12, 2019.   Well-attended media events were held statewide, and press releases were sent to the media statewide, in Lansing and Grand Rapids. To read the release, click on the links that follow.   2019


Job Site Services, Inc. has reported that the following piece of equipment was stolen from their job site between 2:30 p.m. on 3/8/19 & 7:30 a.m. on 3/11/19. The job site is located at 7106 South Street, Detroit, MI. The Detroit Police Department has been notified, and the case number

Apply to the MITA Scholarship Fund Today!

The MITA Scholarship Fund is currently accepting applications for the 2019-2020 academic year. Anyone looking to pursue a career in the heavy/highway construction industry by going to trade school, community college, specialized classes or a four-year degree program is encouraged to apply. The deadline to apply is April 12, 2019.