
The Laborers’ District Council recently issued the attached letter as a friendly, though very serious, warning to any contractor who might consider signing any contract (Utility or Road) with Operating Engineers, Local 324 (OE 324). The letter was initially addressed to MITA, but will also be sent directly to ALL contractors

Earlier today, MDOT communicated their direction and plans for implementing the repeal of the State of Michigan prevailing wages on projects they process through bid letting to MITA. Although the Michigan legislature passed legislation on June 6th repealing Michigan’s long-standing prevailing wage law, MDOT indicated that the formal implementation date

Recent events and numerous calls, as well as an impending deadline have prompted MITA to reissue this important information. In 2015, MIOSHA updated the Administrative Standard Part 11, Recording and Reporting of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, requiring employers to report work-related fatalities to MIOSHA within eight hours. Any in-patient hospitalization

Operating Engineers, Local 324 (OE 324) continues to refuse to meet with MITA, even though the MITA/OE Utility Distribution Agreement has been expired since May 1, 2018, and the MITA/OE Road Agreement has been expired since June 1, 2018. By all accounts, business continues as usual; however, there are many

The state legislature finalized the 2018 – 2019 fiscal year budget this week, which begins on October 1st. As revenues were slightly higher than expected, lawmakers took the opportunity to put more money into our transportation network. A total of $330 million more will go into next year’s construction season. This is in

As you may already know, on June 6th the Michigan legislature passed legislation that repealed Michigan’s long-standing prevailing wage law. The 53-year-old prevailing wage law required that union-scale wages be paid to workers on state funded public construction projects. “So now what?” you might ask … the following is what we know

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has shared with MITA a draft of their Geotechnical Manual, which will replace The Field Manual of Soil Engineering referenced in the MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction. If you are interested in reviewing the draft manual for comment, please click here.Send any comments or

This afternoon the Michigan legislature voted to repeal Michigan’s long-standing prevailing wage law. The Senate took up the measure first and passed it 23-14 before sending it over to the House for consideration. The House then narrowly passed the measure with a vote of 56-53. The 53-year-old law requires that

For several years, attempts to repeal prevailing wage on state funded construction projects have occurred and could now potentially be coming to fruition. There have been many lawmakers who have introduced legislation in the past to repeal prevailing wage, however, Governor Rick Snyder has always opposed and promised a veto

At 12:00 a.m. today (Friday, June 1, 2018), the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 324 (OE) and the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association (MITA), commonly referred to within the industry as the MITA/OE Road Agreement, expired. Although the industry, through MITA, has made

As legislative leaders and Governor Snyder put the finishing touches on the 2018 – 2019 state budget, an agreement was reached this week to add an additional $400 million into infrastructure funding, $330 million of which will go directly into the state transportation budget. The money would go through the