

Operating Engineers Filing Grievances on the MITA Road Agreement Subcontracting Clause Industry Wide

This week the Operating Engineers, Local 324 (OE) began issuing grievances across the industry to signatory contractors who have subcontracted work to non-signatory companies (which in most cases means non-union companies). The basis for the grievance is exactly the same in every single case. The OE is asserting that the

Michigan Environmental Compliance Conference to be held this June

The Michigan Environmental Compliance Conference (MECC) is the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ’s) premier compliance assistance event designed to help businesses, institutions, municipalities, and environmental professionals understand and comply with their environmental requirements. The MECC, which is hosted by the DEQ bi-annually, has educated thousands of manufacturers and environmental

Latest Underground News Summary Now Available

The latest compilation of underground news articles is now available. Please read them to stay up to date on the latest regarding underground infrastructure changes in Michigan. Click here to download the PDF.  

MITA Sponsors Work Zone Awareness Week

MITA is among numerous construction industry groups, state/federal agencies across the state and nation who are joining forces this week to increase public work zone awareness. MITA members can get involved and show their support by wearing orange on Wednesday, April 13. To share your photos on social media, include

Latest Underground News Summary Now Available

The latest underground news summary is now available.   We hope you will take a few minutes to read through the articles to stay up to date on the recent events regarding underground infrastructure.   Click here to read the news summary.

SOA Update

The MDOT Division of Operations recently issued the following SOAs: SOA 2016-001 – Temporary Pavement Marking Revisions   This SOA, as well as any previously issued SOA, can be viewed and printed by clicking here.   If you have any questions or comments, please contact Glenn Bukoski at glennbukoski@mi-ita.com or Rachelle

Michigan Civil Engineer Publishes Novel About The Road Construction Industry

M.H. (Mike) Hill, a civil engineer in the Michigan highway construction industry, recently sent MITA his published work of fiction: “The Way it Was,” an action-packed novel about the road construction industry in Michigan. MITA members might be interested in the book, which follows the drama of a son avenging

Nystrom Appointed To Governor’s 21st Century Infrastructure Commission

During his State of the State address in January, Governor Rick Snyder announced the formation of a few new state commissions to tackle some of the recent on-going issues in our state. Because of the crisis occurring in Flint with their water system, the governor announced a new Michigan 21st Century


The Michigan State Police (MSP) – Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (CVED) has disconnected their fax line used to receive acknowledged Driver/Vehicle Examination Reports (DVER). Going forward MSP-CVED will only accept acknowledged DVER reports via US Mail or e-mail (MSP-CVEDdata@michigan.gov). If you have any questions, please contact Glenn Bukoski at glennbukoski@mi-ita.com, or

MDOT 2016 FY Projected Lettings Update

This past September, MDOT leadership announced they would invest $1.33 billion in their FY 2016 Highway Program, with approximately $698 million of that amount projected for trunkline road and bridge project lettings. In December, Congress approved the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), which projected an approximately $52 million increase in

Jason Gutting named new administrator for the MDOT Construction Field Services Division

  Fast facts: – Jason Gutting has been appointed as administrator for MDOT’s Construction Field   Services Division. – Gutting served most recently as the department’s Construction Operations engineer. – Gutting began his new assignment on Feb. 15. February 16, 2016 — Jason Gutting has been appointed as the Michigan

MITA Has A Scholarship Fund!

Recently, the MITA Board of Directors voted to implement a new MITA Scholarship Fund as a way to give back and to promote the heavy/highway construction industry, but to also extend a helping hand to the next generation. Scholarships will be awarded in June of 2016. To qualify for the