
On December 15, 2017, companies in Michigan will be required to begin reporting injury and illness information. The new regulation adopted by MIOSHA impacts all companies with 250 or more employees and that are required to keep injury and illness records. Companies will need to submit that information through the

If you advertised in the current MITA Membership Directory, you have already been contacted to renew your ad. New advertising space is now open to all MITA members and non-members, and there are still great spots available! Please contact MITA’s Director of Communications Nancy Brown today to make your best

Michigan State Police (MSP) motor carrier officers will join officers from the Indiana State Police, Illinois State Police, and Ohio State Highway Patrol in focusing their enforcement on I-94 and other major freeways in Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio in a coordinated enforcement operation. Michigan’s operation is dubbed “Eyes on 94”

The Michigan Construction Foundation is hosting the Michigan Construction Summit on January 29th, 2018 at the Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center in East Lansing, MI. This one-day conference is focused on finding ways to fill the talent pool with candidates who have the skills, qualifications and character necessary for successful

On January 24-25, 2018, MITA will be hosting its 13th Annual Conference at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mt. Pleasant, where MITA would like to extend an invitation to become involved in the newly formed MITA Workforce Development Committee. The initial meeting of this committee will take place

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has shared with MITA a draft of their Materials Documentation Guide which includes their guide for minimum documentation requirements for pay item approvals and materials acceptance for industry review. If you are interested in reviewing the draft for comment, please access the document here.

The State Transportation Commission’s approval of the MDOT 2018-2022 Five-Year Transportation Program at their September meeting served as MDOT’s formal announcement that they will invest $2.2 billion in their FY 2018 Transportation Program. The focus of the FY 2018 capital investments will be infrastructure preservation, safe mobility of motorists, and

Many MITA members are doing business in the city of Detroit. This month, the Michigan Laborers, Local 1191 entered into an agreement with the City of Detroit in what is called the Detroit Opportunity Commitment. This commitment is in response to the Detroit Skilled Trades Employment Program, also known as

MDOT has announced that Starting October 16, 2017, Digital ID holders who submit electronic bids to MIDOT through the AASHTOWare Project Bids component, will begin receiving notifications to renew their Digital ID through the Bid Express® service. Digital IDs are active for two years. Contractors will receive an email notification

In an October 2, 2017 letter, MDOT informed MITA and other industry partners that they have revised their policy on the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs, i.e. drones) within the MDOT Right-of-Way (ROW). MDOT’s letter, in part, states: “This past July, Governor Snyder appointed members to the new Unmanned

Effective with the October 2017 publications the State Prevailing Wage Rate Schedules for Parking Lot, Road, Highway, Bridge and Airport Construction will have a new look. Wage and Hour Division (WHD) of Michigan’s Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs has informed MITA that they will no longer publish the prevailing wage in