
State Police Motor Carrier Officers Participating in Annual Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Operation
Beginning today, motor carrier officers from the Michigan State Police (MSP) Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (CVED) will be conducting inspections at weigh station facilities and in rest area locations throughout the state with a focus on ensuring commercial motor vehicle cargo is properly secured. Running through Thursday, June 8, the

Infrastructure Fund Sees $35 Million In State Budget As budget negotiations wind down between legislative leaders and the governor, the Michigan Infrastructure Fund (MIF) will see $35 million for fiscal years 2017 – 2018. Governor Rick Snyder had recommended $20 million for the fund earlier in the year, however, the

Some of the most interesting stories about MITA members surround the details of when member companies were founded, usually by grandfathers or great-grandfathers, who started their construction businesses on a shoestring budget. MITA will begin recognizing these important milestones in the evolution of our members with commemorative ads and

April 26, 2017 — In accordance with new state law, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and Michigan State Police (MSP) have identified 900 miles of non-freeway state highways for speed limit increases to 65 mph, and 600 miles of freeway for speed limit increases to 75 mph. Select freeway

On Friday, April 28, 2017, Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority (WDBA) will hold Annual Public Meetings (APM) in Windsor and Detroit. The purpose of the APM is to share information on our operations and activities for the 2015-2016 fiscal year, and to solicit feedback from the public. The Windsor meeting will be

Earlier this week, Governor Rick Snyder announced a pilot program in two areas of the state that would integrate all infrastructure in those areas under one asset management plan. The directive announced by the Governor announced was a follow-up to the 21st Century Infrastructure Commission report that MITA Executive Vice President

MDOT’s Metro Region is hosting an industry meeting to discuss the I-94 Modernization Advanced Bridges Project. This informational meeting will be specific to Packages #1-3. Topics will include: I-94 Advanced Bridges Phase I • Short informational presentation on the current bridge designs at Gratiot Ave./Chene St. Bridges (Package #1 – Nov.

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is piloting a new contracting method for state-funded trunkline maintenance projects. The new Prequalified Maintenance Contracting process will allow vendors to become prequalified in five specific maintenance work categories. This will allow MDOT to expedite the contracting processes for maintenance services in these categories.

Upcoming contracts involving asphalt and concrete type work (other work types are required, e.g. trucking, supplier, etc.) will be contracted for Belle Isle soon! Information about this upcoming bid will be shared at this meeting. Missing this meeting could mean a missed opportunity for you to bid as a prime

On February 8th, Governor Rick Snyder fulfilled his constitutional duty and presented an executive budget for 2018 to the legislature. One of the overarching themes in the recommendation was increased spending on infrastructure, which is a clear sign on the direction the Governor would like to go in his final

MITA’s Executive Vice President, Mike Nystrom, was recently asked to join Michigan State University, the University of Michigan and Wayne State University as a Water Network Fellow for a program to create an Infrastructure Network for Water (IN-Water). As a Fellow, Mike and other key stakeholders will participate in