

Safe Roads YES & Prop 1 Stickers

MITA has received the Safe Roads YES bumper stickers and they are available for members to order! We respectfully request that members only order a maximum of 50 bumper stickers from MITA, to ensure that every member has the chance to access them. Please keep in mind that these stickers are free of

Proposal 1 Ads – Please Share Far & Wide

Two ads have now been released in support of Proposal 1. You may or may not have seen them on your TVs at home, but please do everything you can to share them with everyone you know via social media and email. If you go to the MITA Facebook page

REMINDER – Improper Lifting Devices on Sign Covers

As we gear up for the 2015 construction season, we want to remind you to not use improper lifting devices (ex. 2”x4”) attached to temporary wood sign covers (see enclosed picture).  Any attachment to the covers compromises the crashworthiness due to the increased potential to cause damage to and/or impale

Delay/Downtime Costs Due to Lack of Utility Response

Effective April 1, 2014, P.A. 174 of 2013 – MISS DIG Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act became law.  While this new law mirrored many of the “Best Practices” associated with PA 53 of 1974, there are a few noteworthy changes.  One change allows for a contractor to “seek

ACTION ALERT: Write A Letter To The Editor

The May 5, 2015 election is just under two months away, and on that day everyone will have the opportunity to vote YES on Proposal 1. MITA has encouraged member involvement from the start, so the new goal is to really step up that engagement in these last two months.

Safe Roads YES Bumper Stickers Are Almost Here!

MITA will likely be receiving the Safe Roads YES bumper stickers on Monday, March 9, 2015 for members to order! We respectfully request that members only order a maximum of 50 stickers from MITA, to ensure that every member has the chance to access them. Please keep in mind that these stickers are

Proposal 1 Ballot Language Officially Approved

On Thursday, February 26, 2015 the Michigan State Board of Canvassers approved the official language that will be placed before voters on May 5. Overall the language accurately describes what the voting public will be putting into place with a yes vote.  The process of getting ballot language officially approved

Proposal 1 Update

As of today, MITA has received contributions and commitments to contribute totaling $5,329,240.00 from 123 different contractor and associate members, as well as from Proposal 1 supporters who are not members. This is no small feat, and those members who have stepped up to contribute and commit are to be

Establish A Grassroots Liaison & Educate Your Employees!

It’s hard to believe that it is now March, which means that in less than two months, everyone will have the opportunity to vote YES on Proposal 1 on May 5th. In an effort to make the most of the limited time left to prepare yourselves, your employees and the entire

Safe Roads YES Bumper Stickers Coming Soon!

Many members have recently asked if campaign/coalition bumper stickers were going to be available for ordering. In two weeks, MITA will have a fresh supply of bumper stickers available for members to order.We respectfully request that members only order a maximum of 50 stickers from MITA so to make sure

Membership: Strong Week for Prop 1 Ballot Campaign/Coalition!

It’s been a very positive week for Proposal 1 and the campaign/coalition backing it. Official campaign filing reports were due on Tuesday, February 17, and MI Citizens for Safer Roads and Better Schools could proudly and publicly display their $3.2 million war chest. Thanks to the contributions of certain MITA members, that

Membership: Have YOU Contributed To The Proposal 1 Campaign?

Over the last month and a half, close to 60 MITA members have stepped up to contribute to the success of the Proposal 1 ballot campaign. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is for all members to contribute what they can to this cause. No amount is too